in the supermarket the other day. I had begun to pack my shopping, and Robin disappeared off to do something, buy a lottery ticket, I suspect, and just at that moment... the battery in my hearing aid failed. It beeps furiously when that happens. You would think that a couple of bleeps would suffice, just enough for you to screech and switch the *!?* thing off, but no, it seem to continue ad infinitum. That wasn't the funny thing, though. We had Rather A Lot Of Shopping, but the girl at the checkout, after the cursory, do you need help with your packing, was doing her best to ignore the fact that I was swamped and my assistant had disappeared. Until something fell off the conveyor belt. I didn't catch what she said, the first time, so she had to repeat it. Something fell off the conveyor belt. Oh, sorry, says I, I'm slightly deaf and my hearing aid just failed, so I'm not hearing as well as I could be. Oh, right, she says. And as I go to pick up whatever it was on the floor, she starts helping me to pack my shopping... and continues solicitously even after Robin reappeared and took over.
I can't begin to discuss the issues I see here. Does she think deaf people can't pack shopping? That I am less of a person for having some difficulty hearing? In which case, I wonder what would happen if I started wearing a 'Chronic Depressive' t-shirt? Would I get better service, or worse? Or was it all just a coincidence? I don't know. And probably never will. I thought it was funny, so I thought I'd share it with you. But my, it could get wearing... or incredibly useful...depending on how you look at it!
ps the image proves just who is in charge in this household. If there isn't food in the bowl in the studio, one of us cries until I go back to the house to supervise our eating. Not to add food, you understand, I top up the bowls before I go, just to be companionable while (usually) Mollie chomps her way through a few mouthfuls of dry cat food. Sigh.
It is hard to say what was going through her mind. She seemed to sincerely help only once she found out your hearing aid had failed. And at the same time, I think if someone says they don't need assistance, their wish should be respected. At least you are able to step back and observe the situation (in memory) and even laugh about.
I love cats and I enjoyed reading about your cats' antics.
Hummm, I have no idea about the check out lady??? Hehe...about your kitty...why do cats think their bowls have to be full at all times? After a while there is 2" of tiny bits in the bottom of Rusty's food bowl because he won't eat the bits. Silly cats!
Marino, I have to say I am delighted to see someone else rant about grocery store ineptness and to see it is across the pond...well, honestly, does this make me feel better or worse? hmmm... My line is always Let's start on the small grocery baggers... and then move on from there. I am baffled beyond belief at the cultural acceptance of this lunacy. Where is the common sense?
I don't know what your clerk thinks. I don't know that she is thinking. I mean the actions defy thought.
I also love your cat tales. I can see you writing and illustrating such a perfect little book. Has this ever occurred to you?
Thanks for sharing. You are refreshing in your honesty.
ox joon
Marion, I guess there is no way to know if the lady was being kind or rude. Unlike the checkout clerk I had at a craft store recently. She never looked at me, never spoke to me, never acknowledged I was there. She did take my money, as she continually chatted away at someone over my shoulder. I was SO mad to realize I had worn my invisible suit that day. I hadn't meant to.
Like everyone else, I love your cat stories. I used to have cats before I got Noodle (parakeet) so I can relate to the humor, frustration and entertainment factors of having one in your life.
Marion, your right we'll never know what she was thinking, hopefully she was being kind and like most people, they really don't listen. The days of going food shopping have turned from pleasant to unpleasant. All I want is a Thank you, come again. Instead you pleasantries and no thanks.....
Love the cat stories.
now if my glasses broke i would be happy for someone to locate and pack my shopping (and then drive me home) :) but hearing aid??? perhaps it was something practical she could do to help? or perhaps she didn't understand?
and i have 3 perpetually starving cats - poor things :)
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