Sunday 30 December 2007

Well, Yes...

it has been a while. Lots of water has passed under the proverbial bridge. But before I splash about in its depths, I thought I'd give you a laugh. This is the anatomy of a photoshoot, Barnett style.

You see, the photographer didn't really think the light was good enough, but his assistant insisted. (well done, Moira...). And then this happened....

Well, it's hard to get over being self conscious (photo 1). And then when you do, they're not happy...widen your eyes, they said. this...I said? Nooooooo, they said in unison. And don't do that, either. (photo 2)

But when all is said and done, these guys know what they're doing, and I got some great photos (photo 3)! Thanks to the wonderful Mike Arnold and his lovely assistant Moira!

1 comment:

Digitalgran said...

I love these photos Marian. I often wonder what the friends I make online look like and now with those three different looks I feel I know you now. Thank you so much for giving me the award!